Jiwaji University UG and PG Results Update Link

Jiwaji University Cross List for UG and PG Courses

MA Hindi Fourth Semester Result, Cross List, June-2024

MA Sociology Fourth Semester Result, Cross List, June-2024

BA Third Year Result, Cross List, March-2024

BCA Third Year ResultCross List, March-2024

BCOM Third Year Result, Cross List, March-2024

BSc Third Year, Cross List, March-2024

MA Hindi Fourth Semester Result, Cross List, June-2023

MA Sociology Fourth Semester Result, Cross List, June-2023

BA Third Year Result, Cross List, March-2023  

BCA Third Year ResultCross List, March-2023

BCOM Third Year Result, Cross List, March-2023

BSc Third Year, Cross List, March-2023

MA Hindi Fourth Semester Result, Cross List, June-2022

MA Sociology Fourth Semester Result, Cross List, June-2022

BA Third Year Result, Cross List, March-2022  

BCOM Third Year Result, Cross List, March-2022

BSc Third Year, Cross List, March-2022

MA Hindi Fourth Semester Result, Cross List, June-2021

MA Sociology Fourth Semester Result, Cross List, June-2021

BA Third Year Result, Cross List, March-2021  

BCOM Third Year Result, Cross List, March-2021

BSc Third Year, Cross List, March-2021

MA Hindi Fourth Semester Result, Cross List, June-2020

MA Sociology Fourth Semester Result, Cross List, June-2020

BA Third Year Result, Cross List, March-2020  

Category Wise Student Strength for the session 2019-20

Category Wise Student Strength for the session 2020-21

Category Wise Student Strength for the session 2021-22

Category Wise Student Strength for the session 2022-23